Benefits of Landlord Participation
California landlords are required by law to accept the Housing Choice Voucher program. Click here for more information on understanding protections for housing applicants with rental subsidies including background screening and use of credit history and source of income protection.
Landlord participation in the Housing Choice Voucher program offers many financial benefits. The benefits of being a participating landlord include:
On-Time, Convenient Payments
The housing authority pays our portion of the rent directly into your bank account on the 1st business day of the month.
Protection from Tenant Financial Losses
HACSB contracts with a 3rd party vendor to study the rents throughout San Bernardino County and is able to offer local payment standards that closely reflect the rents in nine different submarkets.
Free Inspections
Prior to move-in, HACSB will conduct an inspection to ensure the unit is safe, decent, and sanitary at no cost to the landlord. After move-in, HACSB conducts periodic inspections to ensure the units is being maintained and will notify you of any concerns.
Incentive for Tenant Lease Compliance
To increase tenant compliance, we provide counseling to tenants who have received warnings and notices from their landlords.
Landlord Portal
Participating landlords are invited to register for our Landlord Portal to access payment details, inspection results, and more.
Customer Service
Our friendly and helpful staff strive to assist with your concerns and questions in a timely manner.
Owner Maintains Control
Participating landlords continue to maintain control over all aspects of management, maintenance, and lease enforcement.
Making a Difference while Contributing to the Community
Participating landlords have the satisfaction of providing needed housing at market rates for low-income families, seniors, veterans and individuals with disabilities.
Free Marketing
The Housing Authority provides a free rental listing service to landlords. Simply complete a Vacancy Listing Request and submit it by email to
Safeguard Against Lost Rent During Eviction
Unfortunately, not every tenant will live up to their lease agreement and the landlord will be forced to evict. If this occurs with a participant family, we will continue to pay the housing authority’s share of the rent throughout the eviction process until the date the tenant moves out or is locked out by order of the court.
Prevention of Overcrowding
Throughout southern California, families are doubled or tripled up in small units in order to afford the rent. Overcrowding increases the landlord’s utility costs, creates additional wear and tear, and leads to conflicts. HACSB restricts the number of individuals allowed in the subsidized unit, which eliminates the potential for overcrowding.
Damage Mitigation Program
Beginning March 21, 2022, landlords participating in the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino (HACSB) Moving to Work tenant-based Housing Choice Voucher* programs may request reimbursement for tenant-caused damage beyond normal wear and tear, unpaid rent, and related court costs. HACSB will reimburse the landlord for approved amounts exceeding the tenant’s security deposit, up to a maximum reimbursement of $2,500.
Requirements for Reimbursement
When an eligible program participant** moves out and leaves unpaid rent and/or tenant-caused damage exceeding the security deposit, the owner may submit a request for reimbursement to HACSB under the following circumstances:
- Length of tenancy under the HACSB program was less than seven years; and
- Tenant moved out on or after March 21, 2022; and
- Tenant’s security deposit is at least $500; and
- Owner requests HACSB move-out inspection within five business days following move-out date and before making any repairs. The inspection must take place before any repairs are made, and the owner or agent must be present for the HACSB move-out inspection; and
- Owner provides documentation that good faith efforts were made to collect charges from the tenant.
Ineligible Expenses
Expenses not eligible for reimbursement through the HACSB Damage Mitigation Program include:
- Unit cleaning and carpet cleaning;
- Damage covered under the property’s insurance policy;
- Normal wear and tear as determined by HACSB;
- Deferred and/or routine owner maintenance costs.
Additional Information
To apply for reimbursement, please contact the HACSB Housing Services Specialist (HSS) for your tenant. The contact information for the HSS is available on the Landlord Portal or you can email HACSB at
Other terms and restrictions apply. The HACSB Damage Mitigation Program is subject to funding availability, and reimbursement for future claims is not guaranteed.
*The Damage Mitigation Program is not available under the project-based voucher program, Mainstream Voucher Program, Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) program, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program, and Continuum of Care programs.
**Eligible program participants are tenants who are participating in a HACSB Moving to Work tenant-based Housing Choice Voucher program. Excluded programs are listed in * above.