Looking to move with your Voucher (also known as Housing Choice Voucher, Section 8, or Tenant-Based Voucher) into or out of San Bernardino County? Portability is the term used when a family/individual wants to transfer or “port” their housing assistance to an area outside of the jurisdiction of the housing authority that first gave them their voucher. Porting in or out of a jurisdiction is an option for eligible households in order to move throughout the United States.
Porting Into San Bernardino County
Below you will find useful information to help in the process to porting into San Bernardino County.
Applying for Portability
Participants interested in porting into San Bernardino County must apply with their initial housing authority. If the participant is eligible to port, the initial housing authority will need to send the following paperwork to HACSB:
- HUD Form 52665
- Current HUD Form 50058
- Copy of the participant’s current voucher
- Current income verifications
This paperwork can be submitted either by an encrypted email or mailed to the following address:
Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino
ATTN: Portability Department | 672 S. Waterman Ave. | San Bernardino, CA 92408
Once the participant’s paperwork is received and reviewed, HACSB will mail out an appointment letter, disclosure questionnaire packet, and a request for required documents to the participant interested in porting into San Bernardino County.
For more information, contact us at (909) 890-5337 or email us by clicking below.
Porting Out of San
Bernardino County
Below you will find useful information to help in the process to port out of San Bernardino County.
Eligible HACSB voucher program participants may request to port out of San Bernardino County and use their voucher in another jurisdiction throughout the United States.
Contact your caseworker or submit a Portability Request Form.
The receiving housing authority should submit their billing to:
Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino
ATTN: Portability Billing | 672 S. Waterman Ave. | San Bernardino, CA 92410
Portability Frequently
Asked Questions
What is the process of porting to San Bernardino County?
Participants interested in porting into San Bernardino County must apply with their initial housing authority. If the participant is eligible to port, their housing agency will send their portability documents to HACSB. Within two weeks of receiving the portability documents, HACSB will contact the participant to schedule an appointment.
How long does it take to get a voucher from HACSB?
Participants should ensure they allow sufficient time for processing and be mindful of processing delays. HACSB will contact participants within two weeks of receipt of their portability documents.
My Housing Agency wants HACSB’s Portability Contact information.
Portability paperwork can be submitted either by encrypted email to Portability@hacsb.com or mailed to:
Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino
ATTN: Portability Department | 672 S Waterman Ave.
San Bernardino, CA 92408
You may also reach us by phone: (909) 890-5337 or fax: (909) 890-5333
My Housing Agency wants to know if HACSB is billing or absorbing?
HACSB is currently billing.
How much is my voucher worth in San Bernardino County?
As a Moving to Work (MTW) agency, HACSB has established local policies for Payment Standards. HACSB utilizes a Payment Standard Schedule that divides the county into 9 rental submarkets. HACSB utilizes a Payment Standard Schedule that divides the county into 9 rental submarkets. MTW Local Payment Standards are set based on an annual evaluation of market rents for each bedroom size within the 9 rental submarkets. For MTW rental assistance programs, the requested rent must be reasonable and cannot exceed the Local Payment Standard. For these reasons, not all units will be approved with rents at the payment standard amount. Click here to view HACSB’s MTW Local Payment Standards.
What is the meaning of MTW agency?
As a Moving to Work (MTW) agency, HACSB can implement new policies outside the usual scope of HUD policies and regulations. Several of the policy changes affect participants porting into the County. For example, non-elderly non-disabled households would be admitted into HACSB’s Term-Limited Lease Assistance (TLA) Program. Under the TLA program, participants would be assisted for a maximum of 5 years.
What is the Term-Limited Assistance (TLA) program?
The Term-Limited Lease Assistance (TLA) Program is a five-year rental assistance program that is coupled with resources and supportive services to enhance economic self-sufficiency. After five years, rental assistance for TLA participants ends.
How much will I pay?
Your tenant portion is calculated based on 30% of the household’s total gross monthly income. If that amount is less than $125, you will pay HACSB’s minimum rent of $125.
How many bedrooms do I qualify for?
HACSB issues voucher sizes based on a two persons per bedroom occupancy standard, regardless of age, gender, or relationship. Voucher sizes are subject to change for participants porting into the County.
Can I choose a unit with more bedrooms than provided on my voucher?
HACSB allows participants to choose a unit that is one size larger than the issued voucher size. If a higher bedroom size is chosen, the participant is responsible for paying the difference between the payment standard of their issued voucher bedroom size and the unit’s rent amount.
How much search time will I have to find a unit in San Bernardino County?
Your search time is determined by your initial housing agency. However, HACSB will extend the participants voucher expiration date by 30 days upon receipt of your portability file.
What if I need additional search time, does HACSB provide extensions?
Portability participants may request extensions through their initial housing authority. If an extension is granted, the initial housing agency must provide the revised HUD 52665 and HUD 52646 Forms.
Do you provide landlord listings?
HACSB may provide unit listings upon request. Please also refer to local resources, newspapers ads, and websites for available units.
I found a unit, what happens next?
The landlord must submit the Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA). Once received, the unit will be scheduled for a Housing Quality Standard (HQS) Inspection. The contract takes effect after the unit passes inspection and the family moves into the unit. Please note, participants are responsible for signing their lease with their landlord.
Can HACSB deny my portability?
Housing assistance is contingent on all adult household members passing a Criminal History Background (CHB) and meeting all income and eligibility criteria. Other reasons for denial include but are not limited to failure to provide requested information, failure to attend scheduled appointments, income exceeds more than 80% of area median income, voucher expiration, or participant’s request to cancel portability.
What happens if my portability is denied?
HACSB will return your portability documents to your initial housing agency.
Can I request a reasonable accommodation?
Yes, you may request a reasonable accommodation at any time. In order to be granted a reasonable accommodation, there must be a disability-related need for the accommodation.