Non-Discrimination and Reasonable Accommodation
The Housing Authority is committed to nondiscrimination in housing and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, age, familial status, or physical or mental disability in the access or admission to its employment, activities, functions or services. Therefore, we will make a reasonable accommodation or modification for individuals with disabilities when necessary to ensure equal access to HACSB’s programs, services and activities.
Program Participants may request a reasonable accommodation for themselves or a disabled member of their household with the form available below. If needed, staff is available to assist the household in completing the form. Verification of an individual’s disability and the need for the requested accommodation(s) may be provided by any of the following: physician, licensed health professional, professional representing a social service agency, disability agency or clinic, or other knowledgeable professional.
If you are a program participant/resident, submit the reasonable accommodation request to your assigned caseworker if you are a voucher participant or contact your property management office if you are an affordable housing resident. If you are an applicant or are porting-in (transferring) to HACSB, you should submit the form to the Compliance Specialist.