Current Landlord Information
HACSB values its landlord partners and welcomes new landlords to join our effort to provide safe and quality affordable housing. HACSB administers the federally funded Housing Choice Voucher program and other special housing programs and grants. The Housing Choice Voucher and special programs provide rental assistance to low-income families renting units in the private market. Landlord participation is a critical component of these programs.
The Housing Authority provides a free rental listing service to landlords. Simply complete a Vacancy Listing Request and submit it by email to
Upcoming Landlord Events
Virtual Landlord Forum
HACSB welcomes all rental property owners and managers in the County to participate in free on-line Landlord Forums.
The next Landlord Forum will take place in the fall. Details will be shared approximately one month before the event.
For more information, contact
Previous Landlord Events
A recording of the virtual Landlord Forum held May 8, 2024, is now available below. Click here to view the handout from the event.
Payment Standards
For the regular voucher programs (also referred to as Moving to Work programs), and VASH leases executed January 2021 or later, use the current Moving to Work Local Payment Standards Schedule.
Non-MTW Special Purpose Voucher programs such as HOPWA and Mainstream 5 use the Special Purpose Voucher Programs Payment Standards.
The Continuum of Care (CoC) program utilizes Region B payment standards regardless of the location of the unit.
VASH leases executed prior to January 2021 also use the Special Purpose Voucher Programs payment standards.
For more information about Payment Standards, please review our Facts About Payment Standards fact sheet.
Determine Payment Standard |
Refer to the updated payment standard schedule, click here. |
Fraud Alerts
Through the years, we have learned of several fraud scams against program participants and landlords. Be vigilant and protect your assets. Please note, landlord participation in the program is free! This includes all briefing materials, paperwork, and workshops. Any personal account information is obtained through official forms. Never give your personal information over the phone.
Requesting a Rent Increase
Things to consider before submitting a rent increase request:
- For all units, the requested rent amount must be reasonable. HACSB performs a rent reasonableness analysis by locating at least three nearby comparable units with similar amenities renting at the same or higher rates.
- For some programs, the maximum rent amount may also be limited by the applicable payment standard, affordability to the tenant, and/or funding availability.
- State Law (AB1482) also limits the amount of rent that can be charged at the time of a rent increase. Not all units are subject to AB1482. Please visit the California State Legislature website for details on which units are subject to AB1482 and which are exempt. If your unit is subject to AB1482:
- The rent may not be increased more than two times in any twelve-month period; and
- The amount of any rent increase cannot exceed the lower of the following, applied to the lowest gross rental rate charged for the unit at any time during the twelve months prior to the effective date of the increase:
- Current Consumer Price Index (CPI) + 5%; or
- 10%
- For these reasons, not all units will be approved with rents at the payment standard amount.
To start the rental increase review, first serve the tenant with a 60-day or 90-day notice of the change. Then, no later than 10 calendar days from the notice issuance date, provide HACSB with a copy of the notice via mail, fax, or email ( for review.
Finally, if the rent increase is approved, the Housing Authority will provide a notice of change to tenant and housing authority rent portions.
Changes in Ownership
If you would like to report a change in ownership, the documents listed below must be submitted to one of our Housing Program Offices, click here for locations.
- Statement of Property Ownership (form can be found under Resources and Forms)
- W9 Form (form can be found under Resources and Forms)
- Voided Check
- Copy of the Grant Deed or Closing Escrow Statement
- Management Agreement (if applicable)
- Documentation verifying ownership and/or authority of the entities for a Trust or LLC or Incorporation
Landlord Portal
- Review and update your address and contact information
- Access payment transactions on your ledger
- View your unit information
- Review unit inspection results
- View your caseworker’s information
Access the landlord portal today! To access your account or register for the first time, use the registration code provided to you by the Housing Authority.
Other Helpful Links
Inland Fair Housing and Mediation Board
Contact IFHMB, for information about landlord-tenant rights. HACSB does not provide legal advice.