Types of Affordable Housing
The Housing Authority has various affordable housing programs that provide housing assistance to eligible, low-income households. Many of these programs are funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Below is a brief description of each program.
For information about the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program, please click here.
Tenant-Based Voucher Rental Assistance Program
The Tenant-Based Voucher Rental Assistance Program, formally known as Section 8 and the Housing Choice Voucher Program, provides eligible low-income households with rental assistance to lease a home or apartment of their choice from a landlord in the regular rental market.
Households assisted under this program are placed into either one of the following sub-programs to better serve the various populations on our programs:
- Streamlined Lease Assistance Program –which provides assistance for elderly and disabled household.
- Term-Limited Lease Assistance Program – which provides new non-senior/non-disabled households rental assistance for five years.
The waiting list for this program is often closed and only opens every several years because the federal government only provides funding to serve a certain number of households. New households are assisted as currently assisted households move off the program. Serving families through attrition causes long wait times even if a family is eligible for assistance.
Term-Limited Lease Assistance Program
Implemented in 2012, the Term-Limited Lease Assistance Program provides non-elderly/non-disabled households with a five year term limit on rental assistance – hardship exemptions are available. Designated staff is available to provide coaching and refer families to supportive services and employment opportunities. Families assisted by this program include: new non-senior/non-disabled households pulled from the Tenant-Based Voucher Rental Assistance Program waiting list; port-in households; and certain households that move out of certain Project-Based Voucher housing programs.
Streamlined Lease Assistance Program
Implemented in 2015, the Streamlined Lease Assistance Program provides a streamlined rent calculation where households pays either 24% or 30% -depending on the household type – of their gross annual income towards the rent. Families assisted by this program include: all Public Housing Program households; existing elderly/disabled households; new elderly/disabled households pulled from the Tenant-Based Voucher Rental Assistance Program waiting list; career-focused (non-elderly/non-disabled) households served by the voucher program prior to January 2012; elderly/disabled port-in households; and those participating in certain Project-Based Voucher housing programs.
Project-Based Voucher Program
The Project-Based Voucher Program provides rental assistance to households living in specific housing sites. Because the rental assistance is tied to the unit, a family who moves (voluntarily or through eviction) no longer qualifies to receive housing assistance. The Housing Authority administers different waiting lists by bedroom size for each project-based housing site. These housing sites are either multi-family or senior housing developments.
Pilot Homeless Programs
The Housing Authority has the following pilot homeless programs. Homeless individuals and families are referred to these program through the County’s Coordinated Entry System. Anyone experiencing homelessness and would like to see if they qualify for these programs should dial 2-1-1.
Focuses on housing street homeless families with children. Goals are to improve educational and well-being of the children and economic advancement of the parent(s). Total households served: 40
Permanent supportive housing site for homeless individuals/families. Golden Apartment residents are housed using the Housing First approach which is a model that connects homeless individuals to permanent housing without preconditions to entry. Total households that will be served: 38
Permanent supportive housing site for homeless individuals/families. Desert Haven Apartment residents are housed using the Housing First approach which is a model that connects homeless individuals to permanent housing without preconditions to entry. Total households that will be served: 31
Special Purpose Voucher Programs for Specific Housing Types
The Housing Authority administers other housing voucher programs for specific housing types, such those outlined below:
- Continuum of Care -Shelter Plus Care Grants
- Veterans Assistance Supportive Housing
- Housing for Persons with AIDS
- Family Unification Program
- Mainstream Voucher Program
- Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program
For homeless/mentally ill families with disabilities. In partnership with Department of Behavioral Health, Grant funded by HUD. Total households served: 345
For chronically homeless veterans with disabling conditions. In partnership with U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs. Total households served: 529
For low-income persons medically diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and their families. In partnership with Foothill AIDS Project, Grant funded by HUD. Total households served: 62
For families where lack of adequate housing is reason for placement of children in foster care and youth (18 – 24 years old), transitioning out of foster care who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. In partnership with Children and Family Services, Grant funded by HUD. Total households served: 123
Competitively awarded vouchers to serve non-elderly, low-income persons with disabilities who are transitioning out of institutional or other segregated settings, homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless. Total households served: 272
The Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program is a new affordable housing program serving low-income families across the country. EHV helps families locate rental housing and provides financial assistance to make their rent affordable. This program will launch in late summer 2021 and will serve up to 455 families.
Families must be low-income and meet at least one of the following categories:
- Homeless
- At risk of being homeless
- Fleeing or attempting to flee:
- Domestic violence;
- Dating violence;
- Sexual assault;
- Stalking; and/or
- Human trafficking
- Recently homeless, and rental assistance will prevent a return to homelessness or high risk of housing instability.
You can also view HACSB’s fact sheet about the Emergency Housing Voucher program.
Updated June 2, 2021
Public Housing Program
The Public Housing Program – also known as the Affordable Housing Program – provides rental assistance to households living in housing units that are owned and managed by the Housing Authority. At this time, the Housing Authority only owns one 98-unit housing site and one single family home under this program. Households pay 30% of their gross income towards the rent directly to the Housing Authority.