Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV)

Information for Landlords

Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV)
for Landlords

All HACSB Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program slots have been filled and HACSB is no longer accepting referrals for assistance through this program.  However, we have current EHV participants who are moving and are in need of rental units.  If you are a landlord and would like more information about the EHV program, please email landlordinfo@hacsb.com.

Why Participate in the EHV Program

By leasing your unit to an EHV customer you are helping a vulnerable family to attain safe, stable housing.  Additionally, landlords can benefit from:

  • Security deposit assistance for EHV customers;
  • On-time, convenient rental payments from the Housing Authority;
  • Free biennial unit inspections;
  • Access to online landlord portal with information about payments, inspection results, and more;
  • Owner maintains control of all aspects of management, maintenance, and lease enforcement.


How the EHV Program Works

There are several steps to receiving EHV assistance:

  • The family must be referred to HACSB through the County of San Bernardino’s Coordinated Entry System or other partner agency. The referring agency will confirm that the family meets one of the four eligibility categories described above.
  • HACSB determines eligibility for EHV assistance.
  • The family selects a unit to lease from a private landlord. Assistance will be available to help families locate a home.
  • The unit must pass a housing quality inspection, and the rent must be reasonable. If the unit passes inspection and the rent is reasonable, the family may lease the unit.
  • The family will pay a portion of the rent to the landlord (typically 30% of their income) and HACSB pays the remaining rent to the landlord.
  • Click here for the EHV Payment Standards

More Information for Landlords

Click here to sign up for HACSB’s newsletter!

Click here to download our EHV program flyer for landlords.

Additional Information

For more information about Emergency Housing Vouchers, please click one of the buttons below.